Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Children's Movies and Philosophy

Today I watched the children's movie "Kung Fu Panda" for the first time. I absolutely loved it!! Below the surface (for me anyway), it had a deeper philosophical message, 'believe in yourself', that I found really appealing. I also heard something that I have heard before- 'Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present'. It gave me goosebumps. I just love kids movies. Roll on the school holidays!

Monday, December 1, 2008

UFO for which month?

All right, all right. I know I'm behind in posting my ufo's for each month. I'm not sure which month this one is for. It's called 'Fractured Circles', and I did it in a Lessa Siegele class at the Patchwork Retreat I attend each year.

New Link, Same Old Me

OK, this is me sitting in my craft room, trying to decide which one of my many, many projects to work on. It can be very difficult. I know the things I should be working on, but somehow there's always something else to catch my eye (sigh). I wish I could be as dedicated and hard working as some people whose blogs I have read, but I don't seem to have that iron core of discipline. Never mind, life is short and I just try to enjoy every day.
I have added a link to Lisa Vollrath's site where she has a Christmas countdown - each day a new image is posted to download. All she asks is that you post a link to a group or on your blog. There is also other fun stuff to download all year round on this site so you might want to do a little exploring while you are there.